The proceeds funded the purchase of a 1936 Ford half-ton truck outfitted … from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Principal Beth Graham said. Visits should be arranged in advance by calling 717-677-7191, ext. 2120. …
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Last month, the company was part of an investor group that tried to buy Bon-Ton Stores Inc. of York, Pa., out of bankruptcy … When the section was finally made available, its air-conditioning did no…
In 2010, after 85 days, BP stopped the flow of oil from a blown-out well in the Gulf of Mexico using a 75-ton cap lowered ont…
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CAMDEN, NJ (RNN) – A 60-year-old father is hospitalized in intensive care after his family says he contracted flesh-eating bacteria while crabbing in a New Jersey river. Doctors say Angel Perez, 60, d…
SUNBURY — Former Sunbury Police chief tim miller’s departure has left the department in a crisis mode. there are six officers to patrol the city and a budget that is at 70 percent already spent, accor…
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